JWLR, Inc. was founded and became visible on FaceBook in 2012 from a personal desire I had to make changes in my life.  During this journey for positive change I reconnected to my faith in God, stopped some old habits, began to change the way I was thinking and realized that what I really wanted was to just live right. 

When I went looking for help and found my direction...my journey became my purpose. 

What I'm learning in my walk...I want to share with you. 

I encourage you to seek out your purpose, and be open to the plan God has for your life.


Be Blessed


Ms. Taz


Just Wanna Live Right, Inc.


Founded: 2012

CEO: Ms. Taz Register

Treasurer: Rachel Caesar

Secretary: Oline Griffin 

Who Am I...

Just Wanna Live Right is dedicated to the spiritual empowerment of people by offering support for those seeking positive change in their lives.  We challenge putting forth an effort in making good decisions, encourage living a 'right life' according to scriptures, motivate the desire for stability, and share life skills that encourage goal setting.  We strive to introduce an environment of fellowship where people can confidently make the choice to

'Just Wanna Live Right'.

Organization Profile

What We’re Doing

Just Wanna Live Right is a faith-based nonprofit that provides informational workshops to advocate better decision making for men and women by empowering positive change and responsible life choices.